Peperomia Succulent Plants (Pack 4 ) (Pots Included)


Sale priceRs. 1,028.00


Peperomia Plants, which belong to the Pepper Family, are semi - succulents with very similar care requirements. The leaves of Peperomia houseplants are thick and plump, smooth and shiny. Their leaves are a deep true green colour. Peperomia houseplants can be used in dish gardens and terrariums and are also ideal for tables, and hanging baskets.

Dimensions of Potted Plant: L x B x H ~ 4" x 4" x 8"
Growth Medium: Cocopeat & Soil
Pot Description: Round Plastic Pot

Basic Care Instructions

Light: Indirect sunlight

Water: Sparingly twice a week

Feed: General purpose fertilizer once a month

Common Name(s)

Peperomia, Baby Rubber Plant, Desert Privet, Pepper Face, Radiator Plants

Native Region

Central & South America

Botanical Name

Peperomia Obtusifolia


Piperaceae (Pepper family)

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